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iOS 13 – Five BIG Features That You Need to Know

Last month saw Apple unleash three new iPhones onto the market. As if that wasn’t enough, the tech trailblazers released their latest operating system update in the form of iOS 13. Below, the Proporta Team gives you the lowdown on this nifty new update and reveals five big iOS 13 features that you need to know.


1.       Dark Mode

One of iOS 13’s big new features is the introduction of Dark Mode. This changes the user interface to a new dark colour scheme. This is much more pleasant on the eye, and more conducive to a good night’s sleep – let’s face it, we could all do with more shut eye! A very cool function of Dark Mode is that you can schedule it to turn on and off.  


2.       Camera and Photos

iOS 13 brings with it some nice new camera and photo features. You now have a ‘useful photos’ tab, which opens up a curated view of your media library. iOS 13 also introduces some powerful new photo and video editing tools.


3.       Sign in with Apple

iOS 13 introduces an innovative new ‘Sign in with Apple’ feature. This allows you to sign up and create accounts to apps and websites in a new method. It lets you bypass using email or Facebook and simply sign in using your Apple ID. Third parties don’t see your Apple ID and there’s even an option to hide your email address if you like.

Another nifty privacy feature is Apple’s new built-in two-factor authentication, so you can keep your account safe and sound.


memoji example with ios 13


4.       Memojis and Messages

There’s some fun updates too: iOS 13 gives you some new ‘memoji’ customisation options, like new hairstyles, headwear, makeup and piercings. Memoji sticker packs are also now available in Messages, Mail and third-party apps.


5.      Siri

Sick of Siri sounding like a robot? Well, iOS 13 introduces a more natural-sounding Siri voice. Siri now also provides personalised suggestions in Apple Podcasts, Safari and Maps.


Final Thoughts

iOS 13 comes with a heap of slick updates. We’ve only covered the big ones above. Other features include CarPlay functionality; Hi-res, interactive 3D maps; some nice new Mail advancements and lots more to keep you busy and well and truly glued to your phone.

…as if we need more of that 😉.

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